Three online shopping platforms that generate funds for Project Harar

October 2021
It's coming up to that time of year where many of us are starting to think of what gifts we would like to buy for our loved ones.

Here, we are recommending three online shopping platforms that generate free funds for Project Harar, chances are if you live in the UK you might already be using them without optimising their full charitable potential... 

1. AmazonSmile 

Like the name suggests, AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon, offering the same products, prices and shopping experience. The difference with AmazonSmile, is that with every eligible purchase you make, a donation is made from Amazon to your chosen charity. So you can help raise vital funds for Project Harar, just by shopping online. 

The donation from amazon from your purchase is 0.5%, the donation is made automatically and shopping with AmazonSmile doesn’t cost you, or your chosen charity, any extra.

How do I get AmazonSmile?

If you already have an Amazon account visit to get started.

  • Once you are on the AmazonSmile site, you can log in to your Amazon account and search Project Harar in the ‘Pick your own charity’ search bar

  • Select Project Harar

  • You’ll receive an email from Amazon confirming Project Harar as your charity

  • Shop as you usually would, knowing each purchase you make is also making a difference to a child in Ethiopia, who is waiting for treatment for a cleft lip or palate - help a child smile with AmazonSmile

2. Give as you Live 

Do you purchase from John Lewis, Waterstones or Apple? Then by shopping with these brands via the Give as you Live platform - along with over 5,000 others to choose from - you will be generating funds for Project Harar!

Simply sign-up to Give as you Live  to shop with over 5,000 participating stores, view the full list of partners here - along with donation percentage details. 

Sign up to Give as you Live here

Once you’ve created your account, start shopping by finding your favourite online shop on the Give as you Live website, you can also install the Live Donation Reminder tool on your browser, so that you never forget to give. 

3. Brilliant Little Brands

If you prefer supporting independent, small businesses, you should take a look at the Brilliant Little Brands online shopping platform. Brilliant Little Brands is a new initiative, highlighting a vast selection of unique independents from the UK. 

Shopping with Brilliant Little Brands ensures a 10% donation of the cost of your purchase to Project Harar.

Click here to get started.


Our November Cleft Programme: Harar


Project Harar to be featured in Advent of Change products in John Lewis