Amen, a six-month-old child with a cleft lip, came to receive treatment through our recent program. Born in the Oromia region, Amen is the first child of his parents, Yabsira and Kidist. Kidist shares that Amen was born with a cleft lip, and she made efforts to seek treatment immediately, but was advised that babies under six months old are not eligible. Now that Amen has reached six months, Kidist learned about the treatment date through social media and brought him to Asela hospital for the necessary surgery.

Upon our arrival, we promptly registered Amen and he underwent a blood test before proceeding with the cleft lip treatment service. Kidist expresses her deep appreciation for Project Harar Ethiopia, describing their efforts as a “beautiful service” that ensured her child received exceptional care. Kidist candidly shares her past experiences of anger and societal scrutiny when people looked at her baby and commented on his condition. She recalls the social impact and feelings of isolation she experienced within the local community, highlighting the emotional toll it took on her.

Kidist expresses her immense gratitude towards Project Harar Ethiopia, stating, “They have helped us receive all the necessary treatment, and I am truly unable to put into words how happy I am.” She shares her initial fears within the local community, but thanks to Project Harar Ethiopia, her concerns and problems were addressed, bringing her great happiness. Kidist expresses her overall gratitude for the service they received and encourages the founders and staff of Project Harar Ethiopia to continue their hard work. She also “hopes that more individuals, especially those hiding at home or facing challenges with facial difference, will come forward to receive the life-changing treatment”.


